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    Trusted by

    Dogs & Their Owners

    Developed by dog behavioral trainer, Ron Shannon, Balance Behavioral Training is a program uniquely designed to work with your dog’s natural canine behaviors.


What We Offer


Balance Behavioral Training works because it lets your dog be a dog. Some courses kick dogs out for being rambunctious or aggressive—but those are the dogs that benefit the most from training!

Balance takes a different approach by looking at training from a dog’s perspective. That means understanding that food, exercise, rest and playtime routines are the most important parts of your dog’s day—they are also the most crucial factors to consider when socializing and training your dog.

Unlike other programs, with the Balance program, Ron travels to your home so that he can cater his training to your family, outdoor space, and daily routines.

When it comes to successful dog training, think about FIDOS:

Playtime is a crucial part of any training program. In nature, this is how dogs learn to interact with each other without crossing boundaries.


Effective crate training techniques help your dog feel safe so that she doesn’t take part in destructive behaviors at bedtime or while you’re away.


Find out how to curb aggression and instill healthy eating habits by leveraging your dog’s natural instinct to connect you with treats and meals.


With the right tone, movements and reactions, you can become the type of pack leader your dog will naturally want to follow.


Exercise is a huge part of the Balance4K9 program. Routine runs or walks put your dog in the right mindset to learn by burning off excess energy and anxiety.

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